
Illustrated Description Of Russia

the List of Illustrations

The Krakow Cathedral

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The Krakow Cathedral

The Krakow Cathedral
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The city of Krakow, the ancient capital of Poland, and which, by the congress of Vienna, in 1815, was erected into a free and independent republic, with a territory of four hundred and sixty square miles, after maintaining a feverish existence till 1846, was seized upon by Austria, and incorporated with her kingdom of Galicia. The cathedral of Krakow, a view of which is given at the close of this chapter, is a magnificent structure, and justly celebrated from its being the resting-place of the remains of the kings and many illustrious men of Poland; among others, it contains the tombs of Casimir the Great, of John Sobieski, and of Kosciusko and Poniatowski, ''the last of the Poles."

see more - Russian Poland

Sears, Robert. An Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire. New York: Robert Sears, 1855